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There are many ways to donate to the SPCA - through monetary donations, donating your time, or donation of items we use at the shelter.  We have created two subpages to outline this.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, we ask that you specify which fund you would like your money to go to.  The options include:
General Fund:  To help with the day-to-day expenses of operating the SPCA.
Shelter SNIP Fund:  Spay/neuter fund.
Hope Care Fund:  To help with our veterinary expenses, including heartworm.

TNR Fund:  To assist with trap, neuter, return of community cats.


Donations can always be made via the following methods:


Cash or check can be dropped off at the shelter or mailed to:


102 Enterprise Drive

Elizabeth City, NC  27909


Donate through Paypal: